Auringontalo Club is a Russian-language club in Finland. We offer interesting clubs, courses and events in Russian.

We work in Imatra and Lappeenranta.

Online - worldwide.

What can be found in our club?

Training courses: Finnish, Russian, mathematics, chess, etc.

creative pursuits: drawing, dancing, theatre, arts and crafts.

Events: holidays, seminars, webinars, master classes, festivals, parties, etc.

  • LEARN AND PLAY Play is one of the most important human activities. As you know, to some extent, our whole life is a game 🙂 And the possibilities of playing learning are almost endless. And most importantly, playing is incredibly exciting for both children and adults. Join now!
  • SIMPLY AND EASILY - any thing can be explained in a difficult way, but it is possible - easily. If you didn’t understand some rule, or couldn’t figure out how the mechanism works, or don’t find a solution, perhaps it’s not about you at all. You just need another explanation. All people are different, and the ability to look at a problem from different points of view is very important! We teach you to look for easy ways and simple solutions, and you will be surprised to see what results can be achieved with this approach! Try it!
  • UNIQUE PROGRAMS - each of our courses, like a mosaic, consists of a dozen elements. We do not just learn to play chess, we develop memory, attention and thinking in parallel. We do not just dance - we study the culture of different countries, costumes and music of other nations, learn to work in a team and learn the basics of the structure of our body. To learn how to draw, we will get acquainted with different genres, read biographies of artists, look at paintings, watch lectures on the color spectrum and dream. Mathematicians solve problems, participate in competitions, play math lotto, and even draw. In the creative laboratory, not only large and fine motor skills are developed, but also imagination, attention, and even the Russian language! And each circle is a small country with its own inhabitants, rules and traditions. Come into our house!

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